
Friday, February 18, 2011

Heels With Wheels

This past week, I had the amazing opportunity of being able to meet and photograph Angela Irick and her band of models. 

Angela felt that there was a need for trendy and fashionable wear for those ladies that are disabled and may have difficulty finding easy-to-wear items at your local mall.  What did she do with this need?  She created a line herself!  She has named her line "Heels With Wheels  (clever, eh?) and is really creating a stir in her community.  She has even had requests to extend her line to include menswear.

Please check out the website and share it with anyone you think might be interested!  (Facebook:!/HeelswithWheels)

PS- all the lovely makeup and hair was provided by Sheryl Moreno of Instant Glamour.  (Show her some love too- she's amazing!)

That's Angela- the idea girl!

One of the biggest complaints: finding jeans that fit!

There are scarves and hats too

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